Wednesday, December 26, 2012

What is GNU

GNU stands for Genuinely Not Unix. It is a Unix-like computer operating system developed by the GNU Project. It is composed wholly of free software. Unlike Linux, it sports the GNU Hard kernel and is intented to be a "complete Unix-compatible software system Development of GNU was initiated by Richard Stallman in 1983 and was the original focus of the Free Software Foundation.The GNU Project recommends that contributors assign the copyright for GNU packages to the Free Software Foundation  , though the Free Software Foundation considers it acceptable to release small changes to an existing project to the public domain.However, this is not required; package maintainers may retain copyright to the GNU packages they maintain, though since only the copyright holder may enforce the license used (such as the GNU GPL), the copyright holder in this case enforces it rather than the Free Software Foundation.
For the software developed under the GNU Project, Stallman wrote a license called the GNU General Public License (first called Emacs General Public License), with the goal to guarantee users freedom to share and change free software.It is also the most commonly used free software license.

Richard Stallman is operating it.


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