Sunday, August 11, 2013

Post of load balancing

 Load balancing is especially important for networks where it's difficult to predict the number of requests that will be issued to a server.
Distributing processing and communications activity evenly across a computer network so that no single device is overwhelmed..Busy web sites typically employ two or more web servers in a load balancing scheme. If one server starts to get swamped, requests are forwarded to another server with more capacity. Load balancing can also refer to the communications channels themselves.
Load balancing is usually provided by dedicated software or hardware, such as a multilayer switch/domain name system server process.Lately, some load balancers have evolved to support databases; these are called database load balancers.
For Internet services, the load balancer is usually a software program that is listening on the port where external clients connect to access services.
The term load balancing refers to distributing incoming HTTP requests across Web servers in a server farm, to avoid overloading any one server because load balancing distributes the requests based on the actual load at each server, it is excellent for ensuring availability and defending against denial of service attacks.


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